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Member Spotlights

"What I enjoy most about the program is the length of the workouts, and how I can do them literally anywhere! 


I work at a high-speed internet company as a Project Coordinator / Warehouse Manager. Along with that I take in training horses and give lessons, plus work my own horses. These workouts have helped my riding tremendously!"

Favorite NBW workout: 
I don’t have a favorite workout; they are all a challenge in their own way! My favorite day is Monday though, which is definitely the most challenging for me.

- Morgan Anderson 
     - Horse Trainer & Project Coordinator / Warehouse Manager

"Because of Kollie’s program I can tell I’m riding better than I was last summer. 


Going to an actual gym just isn’t the best option being a mom of 2 younger kids, living in a small, rural town and working 2 jobs on top of riding. I love doing my workouts at home (bra optional when lifting😜). And what I love even more is Kollie’s chats during our workouts and the overall support from the group. 


She keeps nutrition simple for someone like me who hates the kitchen. She genuinely cares about us and is super passionate and knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition."


Favorite NBW workout: Upper body is my favorite workout with leg day close behind. I love lifting! We are in total control of making our muscles stronger. It’s mind boggling when you really think about the process.

- TJ Thompson
     Loan Underwriter and Seint Makeup Artist

"I work fulltime as a registered nurse, 
and I love that these workouts are quick and efficient!


My favorite part about this program is how anyone can do these workouts at anytime. They aren't overly complicated but still challenging enough to know you are getting a good workout in. 

Everyone in the group is also so supportive of each other!"


Favorite NBW workouts: 
A toss-up between Lower Body and Shoulders & Core!

- Makayla Kleiber 
     - Registered Nurse

"What I enjoy the most with this program is that I feel like I am

My favorite part of No Bounds Wellness is not having to think about what workout to do. I wake up, push play and know I’m going to get a good workout in. I also love that the app tracks all of my reps and weights. It feels great to get congratulated after workouts for pushing myself.


Getting my workouts in before school gives me the energy I need to be my best self for my students, husband, friends, family and animals at home."


Favorite NBW workouts: Full Body Friday! 
I love seeing what I’m capable of. Feeling strong is a great feeling!


Favorite NBW workout: Shoulders & Core

- Emma Huber
     Middle School Agricultural Science & FFA Teacher 

"I stepped off my horse last fall and looked at him and said, 'don’t worry buddy, I don’t know how I’m going to do it yet, but I’m going to be better for you next spring.' 

After many years of school, starting a family, a high stress career, and some painful back and body injuries and issues, I was in a tough spot. I had left myself behind to care for others like so many of us do. I had tried a few other programs, but nothing felt relatable, and most felt like yet another thing nagging at what little free time I had. 


Kollie’s consistent, gentle encouragement is exactly what I needed to learn to give myself a chance to make me the priority for a small part of my day. It really has led to so many other positive things in life, and most importantly, less pain. 
She gives people like me that need to be able to roll right out of bed and get to it a chance at putting ourselves as a priority so we can be better for everyone / everything around us. 
It's a big deal."


Favorite NBW workouts: It's a toss up between Leg Day and Full Body Friday!

- Laura Anderson 
     - Equine Veterinarian

"What I enjoy the most with this program is that I feel like I am working out with someone. In 24 minutes or less, I am done and feel so good. 


There is so much support from the group and I love the pictures of the food! The pictures encourage me to try different meals or snacks. There are little bonus opportunities, like the 25 days of Christmas Workouts or the protein challenges. They're nice additions to keep things from getting boring. 


I work in education at the college level, I am the program director for technology education students. The best part of my job is teaching students how to become teachers and advising. 

So thankful to have found No Bounds Wellness; 
and I love using the app!"


Favorite NBW workout: Shoulders & Core

- Barb Bauer
     Program Director for Technology Education

"I love that the workouts are short enough that I can fit them in before a 12-hour shift but also challenging enough that I know I’m getting good results! I can add in some cardio by running or on the bike and still be done in less than an hour!


Since starting the program this spring, I’ve put on more muscle than with any other workouts I’ve done. My chiropractor is also very pleased with how much better my back feels!"


Favorite NBW workout: Leg Day; get in, lift heavy and get out!

- Amanda Olson 
     - Nursing Instructor & Registered Nurse

"What I enjoy most about No Bounds Wellness is that it is incredibly positive and meets you where you are at. NBW is the only group that I have stuck with and feel supported doing! I love the chance to win monthly consistency incentives and work out challenges.


It is easy to stay motivated when each workout has a fun question to answer, takes less than half an hour out of the whole day, and gives you a chance to win prizes. I love that many of the group members are fellow horse people who come together to support each other and share new recipe ideas.


I work in volunteer services at Seasons Hospice in Rochester, where I match patients with volunteers who provide pet therapy visits, play games and socialize, give rides to appointments, help with housework, and much more."


​Favorite NBW workout: Full Body Day because all of the exercises directly apply to things we do while riding horse or doing chores.

- Angela Hinck
     Administrative Assistant

"No Bounds Wellness has been a game changer for me! I had a baby back in March 2022, so I needed a workout program that I could do from home as getting to the gym is pretty hard these days with a little one.


What I enjoy most about the program is that you can literally do this workout from anywhere, and it’s less than 30 minutes. Since joining this group I have been able to get back into a workout routine, and I have become so much stronger. I have noticed a significant difference in my riding since becoming a member of this group.


I work in research in the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging at Mayo Clinic. I’m constantly running around and standing on my feet so this program has been great for my job."


Favorite NBW workout:

Upper Body Day, but I also love RDLs!

- Katie Thompson 

"What I enjoy most about the program is that it’s perfect to fit into any schedule. Everyone has 24 minutes and it makes you stay consistent. The group aspect helps me stay motivated knowing everyone has a busy schedule like I do. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my riding and notably less lower back pain. I have had some of my best runs this summer and I think this program has really made me stay more balanced and has built my confidence.


I’m an IR tech so I have long hours standing and bending over in lead. That’s an extra 15-20 lbs and it really contributed to my back pain. After starting this program, I have noticed it is easier and I don’t have as much pain.


This is a great program! It has been the only thing I’ve stayed consistent with. Thank you for starting it and keeping us all motivated!"


Favorite NBW workout: Lower Body Day! I used to really dislike lunges and RDLs but I can tell I’ve gotten stronger and have grown to like them.

- Alexis Week
     IR Tech (Interventional Radiology Technologist)

"I am loving the No Bounds Wellness Program because it is the most judgement free program I've ever been a part of -- I can celebrate my successes as well as get support when I'm struggling. Everything about the nutrition and workout program is catered to a "real" person's busy life.


I run a small boarding facility, give lessons, and keep books for my husband's electrical contracting business -- so my schedule begged for a flexible program like this!"


Favorite NBW workout:

Full Body Friday because I like the dynamic moves that hit multiple zones within one superset!

- Kim Nass 
     Riding Instructor & Boarding Facility Owner

"Hello Everyone! What I love most about Kollie’s No Bounds Wellness program is that it is 100% real! It’s not hit the gym intimidation, it’s not fancy work out clothes, make up and all fancy equipment…it's real to the core. Mistakes, jokes, laughter and everything in between! Kollie is so supportive, way more than she knows because of the realness within her and the program! It’s 24 minutes in my own home, on my own time, which is perfect for me. I’ve been looking for a program like Kollie’s for years and I’m soooo thankful I joined and have been a member since March. I feel amazing and know & see that changes are happening!


I have a family of 4 - my husband Mark, my son Mason is currently deployed in the US Army & my daughter Skylar is my barrel racer/equestrian! She runs Smash in NBHA / IBRA and she shows English pleasure/equitation on Chrome. We enjoy riding together, I’m just not brave enough to run barrels, yet! Thanks Kollie for a great, real, fun program and for being so awesome and supportive!"


Favorite NBW workout: Monday’s Conditioning Day, Upper body and Full Body Fridays…who am I kidding, I love them all.

- Angel Noll
     Child Care Worker

"I joined the group at the end of February, and what I have liked most about No Bounds Wellness is that I normally give up on myself whenever I try to work out. But with Kollie, I don't want to give up; I want to keep getting as many workouts done as possible.


My dogs are my workout buddies. Roper is a black heeler, Riggin is a tri corgi puppy, and Tuff, the sabel corgi, normally does help. My life revolves around the horses, dogs, and boyfriend & his daughter, who is as much into horses as I am and tries to steal any of the horses I ride."


Favorite NBW workout:

Upper Body Day!

- Jena Scott


"My favorite thing about Kollie’s program is that it’s real and attainable for the average person like myself. I enjoy being able to do the workouts at home and Kollie is right there helping us get through them. I feel so much stronger and toned since starting the program in January.

I absolutely love it! Plus, with the workouts only being 24 minutes long they’re easy to fit in with working 3 part time accounting jobs."


Favorite NBW workout: Tuesday's Upper Body. I finally have muscle!

- Sarah Brown

"My favorite thing about No Bounds Wellness is that the workouts are easy to follow and don’t require much equipment! I don’t dread doing them since I know each workout is no longer than 24 minutes. We also get the weekends off which is when I tend to be the busiest!


I’ve really enjoyed the program thus far, and like many others have said, it’s such an easy program to stick with and see results! I also have enjoyed the recipe selection and hope to start implementing them more into my weekly menu planning."


Favorite NBW workout:

Upper Body since I feel like I can see results there already

and I enjoy the moves!

- Cally Meers 


"I'm really enjoying this program! Within a few weeks of starting the workouts, I noticed a big difference in core strength and balance. This has given me a more balanced seat and confidence in the saddle.


One of the things I LOVE about this program is that the workouts are effective while being easy to fit into your day. Whether I work out at the gym or at home, it's easy to fit in - no excuses!"


Favorite NBW workout: Conditioning Day and Full Body Friday

- Jocelyn Vincent 

"Hey Everyone, I am Carla Pipping and I joined the No Bounds Wellness membership in January 2022 and began working with Kollie on 1:1 coaching. I am a person that needs structure and a plan to succeed. No Bounds Wellness provided me with exactly what I was looking for. I received flexible but sustainable nutrition guidelines and 24 minute challenging workouts that fit a busy lifestyle that I can literally do anywhere!


It is easy to not prioritize our health and nutrition when we are busy. No Bounds Wellness has given me the tools and support to help me manage my health with the crazy lifestyle we live. I notice that I have more energy, I am stronger, I sleep better and my balance has improved in my riding. Just as much as our horses are athletes, we need to do our part too."


Favorite NBW workout: Upper Body and Shoulders & Core

- Carla Pipping 
     Environmental Enforcement Specialist

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"Hi, I'm Mackenzie and I joined No Bounds Wellness in January 2022. The group atmosphere has given me the motivation to get up, get the workout done, and check in with the group, even on the hard to get out of bed days! This is the first program that I've been able to consistently stick to, ever! I've also enjoyed trying many of the weekly recipes provided, and the best part is that they have all been super easy to make. I love the way my clothes fit after a couple months in this program and I can't wait to keep at it!"


Favorite NBW workout: Conditioning Day and Full Body Friday

- MacKenzie Benda 
     Environmental Health Specialist

"Hi! My name is Lori Smedberg and I joined the No Bounds Wellness group in January and it has been the perfect fit for my busy lifestyle! I used to workout at the gym before kids to help me stay in shape to be a better competitor in the barrel racing arena. Trying to balance life after kids is extremely hard with working out, time for my kids and husband, and keeping my horses in the best shape. Unfortunately, working out was the first thing to go.

I decided to take the plunge and try a new workout regimen and it has been awesome! 24 min workouts and I can do them on the road 🥳. I feel more toned and have gained muscle. The best part is that I have way more energy! The women in this group are so great and encouraging! We all have our own goals and it feels like I have my own group of workout buddies. Thanks Kollie for starting this program!"


Favorite NBW workout: Upper Body Day

- Lori Smedberg 
     Full Time Stay-at-Home Mom

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